
New Terms!

wall an hb 

   The act of wishing someone 'happy birthday' in Facebook wall post (actually
   knowing the person IRL(In Real Life) is optional


     past tense: wall'd him/her an hb
     If I'm online, and it's your birthday, odds are that I will wall an hb
     Person 1: Did you wish Tim a happy birthday?
     Person 2: Yes... I wall'd him an hb

straight like

   when someone goes straight down your Facebook page and likes everything.

   including wallposts, comments, statuses, etc.

   usually it's a close friend of yours, or someone who's bored to death.

     Al: I straight liked Amanda's Facebook page like 3 times she's pissed.

    Sonia: That's hilarious I always do that to one of my co-workers when I'm

microwave mentality
  Having the attitude that if something can't be done in 5 minutes or less,
    it's not worth doing.

    Someone's mom: "You know, I just hate how our son never gets his chores

    Someone's dad: "Yeah it's his microwave mentality. He gets it from you."

Comment Jump

   (v): to disregard, not acknowledge, or skip over a comment when replying on
   a post or status update.
   Did you see when George comment jumped me!? I can't believe he ignored me
   like that, I thought we were friends.

     Stephen just comment jumped Angelina. He has been avoiding her since last

    Christina: Don't you just hate it when someone you don't like comments on a
    post, but there are other people you want to comment back to?
    Drake: Just comment jump them!

Paper GPS

   (n). any non-electronic format used for finding directions.

    A road atlas, foldout paper road map, handwritten directions, directions
    printed from free online map Web sites.
    "John, how will you find our place if you get lost?"

    "Don't worry. I have a good road atlas and good handwritten directions. My
     paper GPS is set to go".


   Used in an argument to admit that you are wrong without admitting it so the

   argument is over.


   Verb - Someone who ignores all their other friends when they are dating a

    "I haven't seen or heard from Jennifer since she started hiberdating Teddy

   four months ago."

pop tags

   When you have so much money that all you do is buy clothing. Therefore you
   are constantly popping tags off your merchandise.
   Ex. "check my restroom trash all i do is pop tags."

cyber hoarding

   When a individual has an excessive amount of pointless word documents,
   pictures, etc. saved on their computer that they will never look at

    Cyber hoarding is Katie's flaw because she has 2000+ photos on her computer

    of random stuff like jellyfish and city landscapes.


   An individual who talks on his or her cell phone even when doing so is rude
   or inconsiderate of other people.

    "Can't you stop talking on the phone while ordering your happy meal --that's cellfish"

   the original version of a song that another band has made a remake of, often
   used in a sarcastic manner
    My friend told me "Live and Let Die" was his favorite Guns-N-Roses song, he
    seemed suprised when I told him Paul McCartney had done a premake of that

food baby
   when you eat so much, that your stomach looks pregnant
   Jeez! I ate so much, I look like I am having a food baby!

facebook fever
   The uncontrollable urge to check one's facebook every time one comes in
   contact with a computer.
    Sam: "Dude, you've been on the computer for four hours reloading the same
    page. Don't you have a final exam tomorrow?"

    Kyle: "Facebook Fever."

    Sam: "No one has posted on your wall in days."

    Kyle: "How do you know? They could have posted in between now and the last
    time that I reloaded the page!"

Social Terrorism
   When someone you know comes to visit unexpectedly and inconveniently, often
   staying for a long time, and you can't tell them to leave without being
    Yesterday, I was just about to go out, and then the doorbell rang. It was
    Sally, and she invited herself in and stayed for an hour! It was social

Château Lafite Rothschild - One of the world's Most Expensive Wines

Château Lafite Rothschild

          Château Lafite Rothschild is a wine estate in France, owned by members of the Rothschild banking family of France since the 19th century. The name Lafite comes from the Gascon term "la hite" meaning "small hill".
          Only four wine-producing Châteaux of Bordeaux achieved First Growth status in the 1855 Classification, which was based on recent prices. Of those, the first one in the list is Château Lafite Rothschild, a consistent producer of one of the world's most expensive red wines.

          A bottle of 1787 Chateau Lafitte which sold at Christie’s London in December of 1985, this wine was originally reported to be from the cellar of Thomas Jefferson, the former US President, and this most expensive bottle of wine had the initials Th.J etched into the glass bottle. It made its way into the hands of American tycoon Bill Koch, who became suspicious of the origins of the four bottles he had purchased. Eventually, he instigated the investigation that debunked the supposed origin of what was, at the time of purchase, the most expensive wine in the world.


          Situated in the great wine-producing village of Pauillac in the Médoc region to the north-west of Bordeaux, the estate was the property of Gombaud de Lafite in 1234. In the 17th century, the property of Château Lafite was purchased by the Ségur family, including the 16th century manor house that still stands. Although vines almost certainly already existed on the site, around 1680, Jacques de Ségur planted the majority of the vineyard.
          In the early 18th century, Nicolas-Alexandre, marquis de Ségur refined the wine-making techniques of the estate, and introduced his wines to the upper echelons of European society. Before long he was known as the "Wine Prince", and the wine of Château Lafite called "The King's Wine" thanks to the influential support of the Maréchal de Richelieu. Towards the end of the 18th century, Lafite's reputation was assured and even Thomas Jefferson visited the estate and became a lifelong customer.
          Following the French Revolution, the period known as Reign of Terror led to the execution of Nicolas Pierre de Pichard on 30 June 1794, bringing an end to the Ségur family's ownership of the estate which became public property.In 1797 the vineyards were sold to a group of Dutch merchants.
          The first half of the 19th century saw Lafite in the hands of the Vanlerberghe family and the wine improved more, including the great vintages of 1795, 1798 and 1818. On 8 August 1868, the Château was purchased by Baron James Mayer Rothschild for 4.4 million francs, and the estate became Château Lafite Rothschild. Baron James, however, died just three months after purchasing Lafite. The estate then became the joint property of his three sons: Alphonse, Gustave, and Edmond.
          The 20th century has seen periods of success and difficulty, coping with post-phylloxera vines, and two world wars. During the Second World War the Château was occupied by the German army, and suffered heavily from plundering of its cellars. Succeeding his uncle Élie de Rothschild, Lafite has been under the direction of Eric de Rothschild since 1974.
          The record price at auction for a bottle of wine ($156,000) was for a 1787 Chateau Lafite which was once thought to be owned by Thomas Jefferson.
          Recently the 2008 vintage produced a world wide increase in price of over 125% in 6 months from release, which in turn has come to push some Asian countries to the top of the list of worldwide markets in which investment grade wine is purchased.


          The vineyard is one of the largest in the Médoc at 107 hectares, and produces around 35,000 cases annually, of which between 15,000 and 25,000 are first growth. Its vines are around 70% Cabernet Sauvignon, 25% Merlot, 3% Cabernet Franc, and 2% Petit Verdot, whereas the final wine is between 80% and 95% Cabernet Sauvignon, 5% and 20% Merlot, and up to 3% Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot. Occasionally exceptions are made, such as the 1961 vintage which was 100% Cabernet Sauvignon.


          In addition to the first growth, around a third of the wine is released as a second wine under the label Carruades de Lafite.


          Across all vintages Lafite Rothschild is one of the most expensive wines you can buy. It has proved an incredibly profitable wine for investors, with the price of its 2005 and 2000 vintage fetching over £10,000 per case. Futures contracts for the 2008 Lafite Rothschild have returned investors over 100% on their investment within two weeks during May 2009.

in US dollars-$160,000
in Philippine Peso-Php 688,0000

